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NAVSEA SeaPort Next Generation (SeaPort NxG)


Contract number: N0017825D7646

SEAPORT NEXT GENERATION (SeaPort NxG) is the Navy Virtual SYSCOM Commanders' (NAVAIR, NAVFAC, NAVSEA, NAVSUP, NAVWAR, and ONR) as well as Military Sealift Command (MSC) and the United States Marine Corps (USMC) integrated approach to contracting for Professional Support Services (PSS). SeaPort NxG’s electronic procurement of Technical, Engineering, and other professional services represent a key strategy to meeting the Department of Navy (DON) contracting needs. Simply stated, SeaPort NxG provides an efficient and effective means of contracting for professional support services and enhancing small business participation. The Navy conducts Rolling Admissions to allow new industry partners the opportunity to participate.